FERS Employees...
Your TSP... Pension and Social Security must be maximized and protected in order to Retire... Period!!!
If you want to grow your retirement nest egg safely and have these investments Crash Proofed... then you need to call 800.341.1948 to learn about our programs...
Safe Money Retirement means you get market like returns without market risk!
When the market goes up your account goes up...
When the market goes down... Your account stays up!
Once interest is credited to your account... the interest is locked in... protected... guaranteed and insured...
It's yours to keep and can be used to create income you cannot outlive!
Call Toll Free 800.341.1948 and get a FREE Report that explains how to Grow and Protect Your Retirement!
Safe Money Retirement Planning
We Have Help Many Federal Employees Maximize and Crash Proof Their TSP accounts... and create income that retirees cannot outlive...
FEHB... Medicare... Social Security... Spousal Survivor Benefits... are all vital issues that Federal Employees must address prior to retirement... in order to have a safe... secure... comfortable Retirement...
" I contacted Louis Finberg in 2017 ... He helped me plan and maximize my TSP and all of my FERS benefits... I highly recommend speaking to the people at
FederalEmployeeBenefits.net ...
L. Bennett, MD ... Bonita Springs, FL
Call toll free today for a FREE Report that explains our programs...
Listen to
Louis R Finberg, ChFEBC℠, on the "Financial News Report"
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Call today for a Free
Retirement Planning Review
Louis R Finberg,ChFEBC℠, President
Best day to retire, Annuity Max, TSP Best options, New Employee Benefit Choices, FEHB under Obama Care, FEGLI, Roth IRA's...
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2024 NEWS!... Inflation... Fed Interest Rate Increases... Bank Failures... Ask yourself these questions... "Will I have enough money to retire"..."Will stock market declines or crashes decrease my retirement income"... "Will I have income that I cannot outlive"... Not one of our clients lost a penny of their principal during the 2008 Financial Crisis...
Call for the Details....800.341.1948...
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"Because your Retirement Investments... Don't come with instructions"...